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Interdisciplinary Centers Certified Breast Centre of Stuttgart Hospital

Nearly 50,000 women in Germany are diagnosed with breast cancer annually. The doubly certified Breast Centre Clinic offers patients, in close cooperation with the attending physicians diagnosis, university level treatment, monitoring and follow-up. As a tertiary care hospital, the Clinic combines the existing expertise in the fields of radiology, pathology, nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, internal oncology, psycho-oncology as well as micro-surgery and reconstructive procedures. Through this, optimum individual treatment concepts may be offered. 
Confrontation with the suspicion and confirmed diagnosis of breast cancer means life crisis for affected women and their families, where a profound threat to physical integrity, health and life is experienced.
The Breast Centre of Stuttgart Hospital is considered as a competence centre, in which this particular situation of our patients is taken into account- we don’t just see the diseased organ, but the whole person! The result is a sensitive diagnosis and therapy based on valid scientific knowledge.

Medical Centre Director

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Karck, Ärztlicher Direktor Frauenklinik – Schwerpunkt Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie

Ärztlicher Direktor

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Karck

Telefon: 0711 278-63123

Telefax: 0711 278-63102


About us

From diagnosis to therapy

Daily special consulting hours:

  • High resolution 3D-Ultra sound
  • Jet biopsies
  • Digital mammography
  • Stereo-tactical punctures and markings
  • Breast magnetic resonance tomography 
  • Precise operation planning

Oncologic surgical spectrum

  • Breast preserving operations
  • Smallest scars
  • Sentinel lymph node technique (Technetium)
  • All plastic reconstruction procedures
  • Cosmetic procedures such as augmentation and reduction plastic surgery

The Breast Centre of Stuttgart Hospital is a cooperating partner in the nationwide breast cancer screening program and therefore has particular experience in finding and treating small and hard to find breast cancers.

Operation planning
Whenever possible, we perform a breast-preserving therapy on our patients. In addition, we also offer an extensive range of onco-plastic procedures for reconstruction: alloplastic techniques with and without expanders, autologous defect cover with latissimus dorsi flap, thoraco-epigastric advance flap, reduction plastic surgeries and other techniques.

Histological examination
The microscopic examination of tissue specifies the right treatment path. At the Breast Centre, all findings are subject to double assessment by experienced pathologists, specially trained in breast cancer assessment. In addition, all cancers may be immunohistochemically characterized in terms of hormone receptor status, proliferation behaviour and oncogenic profile. In case of inconclusive findings, the c-erb-B2 status is determined in terms of molecular pathology by FISH technique.

Tumour conference
All findings and issues are discussed at the weekly interdisciplinary tumour conference, jointly organized by gynaecologists, radiologists, pathologists, radiotherapists and oncologists and recommendations are developed for each patient. These recommendations are discussed in detail with the person concerned and explained so that she may reach an informed and correct decision for herself. Any necessary cytostatic therapy is performed in our gynaecological oncology chemotherapy outpatient clinic. The indication for radiotherapy is discussed and determined with colleagues from radio-oncology department.

Personally customized and individually optimized planning and execution of most different radiation concepts are performed on the personal situation of each patient with the latest equipment of an experienced radio-oncology and radiotherapy clinic in consideration of acknowledged recommendations and guidelines. The goal is permanent and complete control of the disease with cosmetically excellent results protecting all healthy tissues in the best possible way.

See the person as a whole: psycho-oncological care
The diagnosis of cancer for patients and their families poses an extreme burden. Existential anxiety, worry and despair may appear. Hospitalizations, dealing with high-tech treatments and possible side effects of treatment can be experienced as stressful. Also during follow-up many patients worry and wonder how they should continue with their lives after the disease. We are very glad to have at Stuttgart Hospital’s team specially qualified psychological and medical therapists to support the patients as psycho-oncologists who can help these women cope with their problems. All our patients are offered to get advice and support and can freely choose whether and to what extent they wish to receive additional psycho-oncological care.

The Breast Centre of Stuttgart Hospital is a Research Centre for many of the modern approaches to breast cancer treatment; whenever possible patients are offered the opportunity to participate in such studies.

The Breast Centre of Stuttgart Hospital is certified by the German Cancer Society and the German Society for Senology and also according to ISO 9001:2008.

Breast centre consulting hours
Registration: Telephone +49 (0)711 278-62720
consulting hours Tuesday and Thursday 13.00 – 16.00
and by appointment

Consulting hours for Prof. Dr. Karck, Director of Breast centre
Registration: Telephone +49 (0)711 278-63140
consulting hours Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 14.00 – 17.00
and by appointment:

  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Karck
    Medical Director of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Olgahospital / Frauenklinik
  • Prof. Dr. Tilo Andus
    Medical Director of the department of General Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and internistic oncology of Bad Cannstatt Hospital 
  • Prof. Dr. Götz Martin Richter, Prof. Dr. Hans Henkes
    Medical Directors of the Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology/Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, Bad Cannstatt Hospital Radiology Centre Stuttgart, Seelbergstraße, Stuttgart Bad Cannstatt
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Schöller
    Centre for Plastic Surgery, Marienhospital
  • Dr. Alexander Tripp
    Chief Physician of the Clinic for Hand, Plastic and Micro-surgery, Katharinenhospital
  • Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Kretz
    Medical Director of the Clinic for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Bad Cannstatt Hospital
  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Bosse
    Medical Director of the Institute of Pathology, Katharinenhospital 
  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Gabriele Pöpperl
    Medical Director of the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Katharinenhospital
  • Prof. Dr. Marc Münter
    Medical Director of the Clinic for Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology, Katharinenhospital, and MCC director Radiotherapy, Katharinenhospital 
  • Prof. Dr. Annegret Eckhardt-Henn
    Medical Director of the Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Bad Cannstatt Hospital
  • Dr. Helmut Heilbronner
    komm. Medical Director of the Institute of Clinical Genetics, Olgahospital
  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Shneh Sethi
    Head of the Central Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Katharinenhospital
  • Ursula Banzhaf, MBA
    Director of the Therapy Centre of Stuttgart Hospital


Certified Breast Centre of Stuttgart Hospital
Klinikum Stuttgart - Olgahospital / Frauenklinik
Kriegsbergstrasse 62
70174 Stuttgart

Telephone +49 (0)711 278-63101
Telefax +49 (0)711 278-63102