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Centre for Mental Health Clinic for Addiction Medicine and Addictive Behaviour

The Clinic for Addiction Medicine and Addictive Behaviour, offers clinical addiction medical care for the urban district of Stuttgart and partially for the surrounding region except from the crisis ward P1b (sector supply Stuttgart). The clinic encompasses a total of 64 inpatient beds, 20 day-clinic beds, its own addiction consultation, an addiction psychiatric outpatient department of the institution as well as a rehabilitation clinic (Wendepunkt – Turning Point) with 20 beds. 

In addition to the fully and partially detoxification and motivation area,  there are consultative, preventative, outpatient and rehabilitative treatment services. 

Our clinic is established at two locations: the wards are all located in the new building of Bad Cannstatt – even the ward for acute addiction crisis. At the outpatient treatment centre of the Clinic for Addiction, Türlenstraße -  besides the outpatient offers -  the dayclinic for addiction “TANDEM” and the central patient agency are also located here.

Medical Director / Medical Centre Director

Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Bürgy, M.Sc., Ärztlicher Direktor Klinik für Spezielle Psychiatrie, Sozialpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie

Ärztlicher Direktor

Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Bürgy, M.Sc.

Telefon: 0711 278-22801

Telefax: 0711 278-22175


About us

Integrated outpatient, partly inpatient and fully inpatient treatment for patients with

  • alcohol problems
  • drug problems
  • medication problems
  • multiple addiction
  • Psychiatric dual diagnosis
  • nicotine dependency

Wards of Krankenhaus Bad Cannstatt / Bad Cannstatt Hospital

  • Ward P1B for acute crisis treatment
  • Drug detoxification and motivation ward (DEMOS)
  • Alcohol detoxification and motivation ward (VAMOS)
  • Rehabilitation clinic (Wendepunkt – Turning Point) for alcohol addicts and drug addicts

Outpatient treatment centre of the Clinic for Addiction Medicine, Türlenstraße

  • Day clinic for addiction “TANDEM” for all substance-related types of addiction
  • Addiction psychiatry outpatient department for the diagnosis and treatment of addictive and addiction-keeping psychic comorbidities
  • Outpatient addiction consultation
  • Outpatient rehabilitation
  • The central patient agency arranges appointments for both inpatient and outpatient departments of the clinic and offers consultation to registered physicians and to patients regarding the question which addiction clinic might fit to them best at the moment. Therefore, we provide well qualified health care workers. Phone: 0711 278-22950.
  • Proper interaction of the addiction clinic between the different treatment offers is ensured both conceptionally and personally. Hence, we are able to provide a comprehensive treatment of addiction disease from one source, adapted to the patient’s needs. Due to close cooperation with our partners, we can offer a wide range of Services.
  • Combined inpatient, partly inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation treatment for alcohol and drug addicts at home by the “Turning Point” rehabilitation facility
  • Special group services for addicted patients with depression, psychosis and anxiety disorders
  • Regular training for the entire treatment team on the interview technique “Motivational Interviewing” by Miller and Rollnick


  • Maintenance of medical practitioners at the day clinic rehabilitation facility for drug addicts “Tagwerk – daily work”
  • Maintenance of medical practitioners at the adaption facility house in the South
  • Medical consultation of the addiction outpatient department for substituted patients
  • Maintenance of medical practitioners at the rehabilitation facility “Four Steps”
  • Certification of the outpatient consultation and treatment for addiction diseases as well as the rehabilitation institution Wendepunkt – Turning Point according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and according to the quality guidelines of the German Society for Quality Management in Addiction Therapy (deQus) e.V.
*PIA = Psychiatrische Institutsambulanz / psychiatric outpatient departement
2015 2016 2017
64 64 66 Available inpatient beds
1.705 1.686 1.715 Inpatient cases
12.5 13.1 12.8 Inpatient stay in days
20 20 20 Available beds in day hospital
333 373 381 Cases of day hospital
17.7 16.0 16.1 Length of stay in day hospital in days
2.880 3.031 3.307 Psychiatric billing cases Outpatient care institution (PIA*)
2015 2016 2017
2.002 1.962 2.032 Addiction diagnoses
410 180 171 Thereof opioids
338 342 383 Addiction in relation to affective disorders
182 180 228 Addiction in relation to psychoses


Clinic for Addiction Medicine and Addictive Behaviour

Krankenhaus Bad Cannstatt
Prießnitzweg 24
70374 Stuttgart

Telephone +49(0)711 278-22807
Telefax +49(0)711 278-22194