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Centre for Internal Medicine Clinic for Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology

The Clinic for Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology and the medical centre provide radiotherapy services with highly qualified staff and high-performance devices for dose planning and radiation therapy to about 1,800 patients per year in the Stuttgart region. The clinic has four modern linear accelerators, a computer-controlled reload device for contact radiation (HDR-afterloading) and a device for permanent interstitial implantation of radioactive seeds. Modern computer and control programmes allow accurate scheduling and documentation of radiotherapy in a network system. 

The clinic covers the entire spectrum of radio-oncological disease patterns. Of particular importance is the interdisciplinary integration of radiation oncology in oncological multimodal therapy concepts. Here, we also offer fractionated total body irradiation in bone marrow transplantation. We have performed intraoperative radiation therapy of tumour embedding in the context of a previous boost for patients who have had breast-conserving mamma carcinoma surgery since the middle of 2011.

Medical Director

Prof. Dr. Marc Münter, Ärztlicher Direktor Klinik für Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie

Ärztlicher Direktor

Prof. Dr. Marc Münter

Telefon: 0711 278-34201

Telefax: 0711 278-34209


About us

  • All radio-oncological disease patterns
  • Radiation therapy of benign diseases
  • Individually optimized three-dimensional treatment planning (CT and MRI-and PET/CT-based), IMRT, IGRT, VMAT
  • HDR-afterloading brachytherapy, possibly in combination with teletherapy or radiochemotherapy, including perioperative brachytherapy
  • Seed implantation of the prostate gland, HDR brachytherapy for prostate carcinoma
  • Combined radiation with chemo-/hormone- / immunotherapy
  • Intraoperative radiation therapy of breast-conserving mamma carcinoma surgeries, projected: intraoperative radiation therapy of head and neck tumours
  • Tumour outpatient clinic
  • CT and/or MRI-based computer planning with image fusion, joint use of the PET image information for individual configuration of the radiotherapy target areas
  • Scheduling and documentation in the RIS
  • Modern linear accelerator with multileaf collimator, IMRT, IGRT, VMAT
  • Radiotherapy post care and follow-up
  • Interdisciplinary integration of radiooncology
  • Inpatient palliative treatment
  • Interdisciplinary oncological pain therapy
  • Case management
  • Skin care consultation
  • Medical care centre for radiation therapy, phone +49 (0)711 278-34223, E-Mail


  • Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)
  • Volumetric intensity modulated arc therapie (VMAT)
  • Image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT)
  • Interstitiel HDR-boost radiation in case of prostate carcinoma
  • Seed-Implantation in case of prostate carcinoma
  • HD 16-18 (Hodgkin-Lymphomas in adults)
  • HICARE (Cetuximab in case of head and neck tumours)
  • CREAM (Cetuximab in case of head and neck tumours)
  • NOA 7 (medullo blastoma in adults)
  • SAK 75-08 (oesophagus carcinomas) 
  • Leopard II (oesophagus carcinomas)
  • From 2013: TARGIT-E (partial breast radiation in elder mamma carcinoma patients) 
  • From 2013: PREFERE (patient preferences-based study of early carcinomas of the prostate gland)
  • Wegner N. and employees of medicine-physics: Ring trial of physical-technical quality assurance in radiation therapy
  • Koczur B. and employees of medicine-physics: Eye Lens Shielding Using Various Field Shaping Techniques
  • Systematic quality assurance in the context of multiple certifications for each radio-oncology case part in the organ-related tumour centres 
  • Regular technical checks of radiation systems by TÜV (technical inspection service) and others.
  • Observation of the radiation protection rules by the “Medical Authority” of the Medical Association
2015 2016 2017
48 46 44 Available Beds
1.746 1.745 1.735 Inpatient Cases
7.9 7.3 6.8 Length of stay in days
During 36,914 irradiation sessions, 47,218 tumor volumes were irradiated
2015 2016 2017*
36.889 34.650 36.914 Teletherapy radiotherapies (Linear accelerator)
161 252 258 Brachytherapy series
1.838 1.942 2.156 Computer-assisted radiotherapy planning


Clinic for Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology
Klinikum Stuttgart – Katharinenhospital
Kriegsbergstrasse 60
70174 Stuttgart

Telephone +49 (0)711 278-34201
Telefax +49 (0)711 278-34209