Suche icon

Centre for Surgical Medicine Clinic for Urological and Transplant Surgery

The clinic treats patients with urogenital tract diseases. This includes the diagnosis and therapy of malformations of the urinary organs, inflammatory diseases, urinary stones in kidneys, ureters and urinary bladder, urinary transport problems and incontinence. In addition, all tumours in kidneys, adrenal glands, ureter, bladder, prostate gland, testes and penis, as well as anomalies and diseases of the male genitals, descending urinary tract and external genitals are treated using modern methods. Transplantations of postmortally donated and living donation of kidneys are also performed, including all preparatory and postcare actions. 

In 2012, we reached a new record with 35 living donation transplantations of kidneys. Our part of the total amount of kidney transplantations is a leading postion in Germany with nearly 50 %. 

About 1,000 open and 7,000 minimally invasive surgical endoscopic urological procedures are performed annually in the clinic.

Medical Director 

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Humke, Ärztlicher Direktor Klinik für Urologie und Transplantationschirurgie

Ärztlicher Direktor

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Humke

Telefon: 0711 278-33801

Telefax: 0711 278-33809


About us

  • Organ and function-saving surgical and medical therapy of tumour diseases of the urogenital tract
  • Urinary stones: endourology, including percutaneous stone therapy with mini-PNL, Holmium laser therapy, extracorporeal shock wave therapy
  • Transurethral endoscopic treatment of urethral diseases, benign prostate alteration, urinary bladder tumours using the latest techniques, including fluorescence endoscopy and Thulium laser therapy
  • Reconstructive surgery of kidneys, urinary system and external genitals
  • Incontinence surgery
  • Laparoscopy including single-port laparoscopy
  • Brachytherapy of prostate gland carcinoma
  • Kidney transplantations after postmortal or living donor transplantation, also ABO and HLA-incompatible, even with vascular malformation and after operative urinary system reconstruction
  • Emergency outpatient department
  • Second opinion outpatient department for urological tumours and complex urological problems
  • Interdisciplinary conference for patients with prostate gland carcinoma
  • Special outpatient department for erectile dysfunction and diseases of the aging man
  • Incontinence consultation 
  • Urodynamic measurement station
  • Outpatient surgery
  • Case management
  • Organ-saving renal tumour surgery with elective and imperative indication
  • Living donor transplatation of kidneys (first place among the non-university transplantation centres in Germany)
  • Living donor transplantation of kidneys in AB0-incompatibility (in cooperation with the Clinic for Renal Diseases and Hypertension, 4th place in Germany)
  • Single-port laparoscopy with nephrectomy and cyst removal from kidneys
  • Postoperative pain therapy via PCA pump (patient-controlled analgesia) or peridural catheter
  • Fast track management after radical tumour surgery (e.g. cystectomy and urinary diversion)
  • Accreditation as study centre of the PREFERE study (biggest worldwide, prospectively randomised study on locally limited prostate carcinoma; all therapy option in questions are compared in this study for the first time)
  • Prof. Humke is a member of the interdisciplinary guideline group "Varicocele", "Cryptorchism" and "Stone Therapy during Childhood"
  • Certification for the Prostate Cancer Centre according to the guidelines of the German Cancer Association and ISO 9001:2008
  • Interdisciplinary tumour board
  • Excess of minimum amount of kidney transplantations (25 transplantations per centre) - performed in 2010: 40 kidney transplantations including 35 living donor transplantations
  • Introduction of critical incident reporting system (CIRS)
  • WHO checklist was established (preoperatively, intraoperatively and postoperatively) 
  • Pathways for major surgical procedures
  • Standardized pain therapy
  • Continuing education of medical staff in quality management and good clinical practice
  • Focus physician list 2010-2012: experts for urological tumours
2015 2016 2017
53 52 50 Available Beds, inpatient
2.811 3.213 3.055 Inpatient Cases
4.5 4.7 4.6 Length of stay in days
2015 2016 2017
131 153 150 Tumour nephrectomy (including laparoscopic surgery)
115 122 116 Organ-saving renal tumour surgery (including laparoscopic surgery)
1,025 1,106 1,071 Transurethral resection


Clinic for Urological and Transplant Surgery
Klinikum Stuttgart – Katharinenhospital
Kriegsbergstrasse 60
70174 Stuttgart

Telephone +49 (0)711 278-33801
Telefax +49 (0)711 278-33809