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Further Institutions Medical Care Centre for Radiation Therapy, Neurosurgery and Human Genetics

At the Medical Care Centre (MCC), licensed physicians offer outpatient medical services in the field of radiooncology/radiation therapy, neurosurgery and human genetics. Heavily sick and bedridden patients particularly benefit from the proximity to inpatient care at Stuttgart Clinical Centre with almost all medical disciplines, as troublesome repositioning or long transport routes should be avoided.

Highly efficient radiation therapy can be offered at the MCC using one of the world's most advanced linear accelerators. Both Linac-Elektra-Synergies are equipped with the latest computerized multi-collimator that allows the individual shaping of the radiation field. The high-tech device thus allows maximum preservation of healthy tissue, according to the latest technical standard. The storage control systems also allow on-line verification of the patient’s position prior to radiation therapy. Immediate correction possibilities offer a highly precise radiation dose rate. The technical equipment of the devices now allows the use of modern radiation techniques, including IMRT and VMAT.

In the neurosurgical part of the MCC, outpatient preoperative and postoperative patient care is provided for neurosurgical patients. For clarification of neurosurgical diseases, all imaging techniques and its own electro-physiological laboratory are also available. In addition to general consultation, special consultation for tumour diseases, vascular diseases, pituitary tumours, spinal disorders, diseases of peripheral nerves and for the surgical treatment of functional disorders (pain, spasm, movement disorders, epilepsy) are offered, providing the highest level of consultation for complex and rare diseases. For children with neurosurgical diseases, paediatric surgical consultation is arranged. In addition to diagnosis and consultation on neurosurgical operations, pain therapeutic interventions are also carried out.

The faculty of human gentics of the MCC encompasses genetic consultation and syndrome diagnosis, prenatal, postnatal cytogenetic diagnosis, genome-wide ArrayCGH diagnosis, tumour cytogenetics (leucaemia, lymphomas) and fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH diagnosis). Molecular genetic diagnosis uses state-of-the-art methods such as DNA diagnosis.

Medical Director

Prof. Dr. Marc Münter, Ärztlicher Direktor Klinik für Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie

Ärztlicher Direktor

Prof. Dr. Marc Münter

Telefon: 0711 278-34201

Telefax: 0711 278-34209



Medical Care Centre for Radiation Therapy, Neurosurgery and Human Genetics
Klinikum Stuttgart
Kriegsbergstrasse 60
70174 Stuttgart

Department of Radiotherapy
Prof. Dr. Marc Münter
Medical Director of the MCC
Phone +49 (0)711 278-34223

Department of Neurosurgery and Paediatric Neurosurgery
Prof. Dr. Oliver Ganslandt
Medical Director of the Neurosurgery Clinic
Phone +49 (0)711 278-33788
E-Mail mvz-neurochirurgie

Department of human genetics
Dr. Helmut Heilbronner
komm. Medical director of the Institute for Clinic Genetics
Phone +49 (0)711 278-74001
E-Mail h.heilbronner

Commercial manager of the MCC
Tobias Seiffert
Phone +49(0)711 278-22090