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Centre for Paediatric Medicine / Women´s Clinic Paediatric Interdisciplinary Emergency Room - PINA

The Paediatric Interdisciplinary Emergency Room (PINA) is responsible for all patients who are admitted to Olgahospital for emergency treatment.

Treatment of emergency cases is carried out at all times by a paediatrician together with a paediatric surgeon, who take a look at the patients’ medical history and conduct an initial diagnosis. This interdisciplinary collaboration increases the accuracy of allocating patients to specialist departments. If, after having taken a look at the medical history and conducting the initial diagnosis, a clear medical allocation is not possible, patients are first admitted as PINA patients and continue to be treated on an interdisciplinary basis. 

The PINA additionally has inpatient beds that can also be used as beds for patients with infectious diseases. If necessary patients may also remain in PINA until they are discharged. 

Around the clock, 365 days per year

Medical Director 

Dr. Friedrich Reichert, Ärztlicher Leiter Pädiatrische Interdisziplinäre Notaufnahme - PINA

Ärztlicher Leiter

Dr. Friedrich Reichert


Ärztlicher Leiter Pädiatrische Interdisziplinäre Notaufnahme (PINA) und pädiatrische Infektiologie

About us

  • PINA is the central point of contact for all paediatric emergency patients at Olgahospital
  • it is always open for patients with diseases or injuries of any kind
  • every day it consistently offers high quality and compassionate medical treatment around the clock
  • patients are treated according to urgency and not their order of arrival: an initial assessment is carried out by means of a so-called ESI triage 
  • PINA has special beds ready for patients with infectious diseases
  • the paediatric emergency service of resident paediatric doctors in Stuttgart is integrated in PINA
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration with all specialists represented at the Olgahospital Paediatric Center
  • ESI triage
  • Integration of the paediatric emergency service of resident paediatric doctors in Stuttgart
  • Beds for patients with infectious diseases
  • – paper-free patient files
Second half of 2014 2015
9,731 21,710 Outpatient contacts
2,693 6,013 Inpatient Cases


Paediatric Interdisciplinary Emergency Room – PINA
Klinikum Stuttgart - Olgahospital
Kriegsbergstrasse 62
70174 Stuttgart

Telephone +49 (0)711 278-72411
Telefax +49 (0)711 278-72419