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Centre for Paediatric Medicine / Women´s Clinic Paediatrics 5 – Oncology, Hematology and Immunology

We treat children and adolescents with diseases in the fields of oncology, haematology and immunology, according to the latest available knowledge. As a paediatric centre of the region of Stuttgart and one of the biggest special departments nationwide, we are a point of contact for all cancer diseases in young people, in case of disorders of blood or immunological response.

Associated with the study coordination office of our special society for tissue and osseous sarcomas (CWS and COSS), we coordinate both nationwide and on an international basis the research and treatment of these rare cancer diseases.

PD Dr. Claudia Blattmann

PD Dr. Claudia Blattmann, Ärztliche Direktorin Pädiatrie 5 – Onkologie, Hämatologie und Immunologie

Ärztliche Direktorin

PD Dr. Claudia Blattmann

Telefon: 0711 278-04


Kinder-Hämatologin, -Onkologin und Palliativmedizinerin

About us

  • Paediatric oncology: diagnostics and therapy of the entire spectrum of malignant and benign tumours 
  • Paediatric haematology: Diagnostics and therapy of all benign and malignant disorders of the blood 
  • Paediatric haemostaseology: Diagnostics and therapy of coagulation disorders 
  • Paediatric immunology: Diagnostics and therapy of congenital and acquired immune defects
  • Paediatric-oncological special ward, outpatient clinic and day clinic
  • Haematological special laboratory
  • Psycho-social care
  • Model project HOPPS (Häusliche Onkologische Pädiatrische Pflege Stuttgart – Paediatric Oncological Home Care Stuttgart)
  • Apartments for parents in direct proximity to the clinic
  • Study centre and reference centre for paediatric tissue and osteosarcomas
  • Autologous stem cell apheresis and therapy; permission of processing according to §13 of the AMG for harvesting of blood stem cells from peripheral blood in cooperation with the stem cell laboratory of the UKK tübingen. Special experience in performance of stem cell separation and therapy in infants
  • Innovative drug therapy in the context of the ITCC Consortium
  • COSS/EURAMOS 1 – European-American osteosarcoma study (head of the study: Prof. Dr. S. Bielack)
  • COSS/EURO-B.O.S.S. – European bone tumour study for 41-65-year-old persons (head of the study: Prof. Dr. S. Bielack)
  • Cooperative soft tissue sarcoma study group (CWS) (head of the study: Prof. Dr. E. Koscilniak, Prof. Dr. T. Klingebiel, Frankfurt)
  • Sarcoma recurrence register SAREZ in the context of the Translational Sarcoma Research Network TranSaRNet
  • AIEOP BFM ALL 2009: International cooperative treatment journal for children and adolescents with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (EudraCT-Nr. 2007-004270-43)
  • Coss register: Continuation of the registration of bone sarcoma patients to the register of the cooperative osteosarcoma study group (COSS)
  • CWS-register SoTiSaR: Register for soft tissue sarcomas and other soft tissue sarcomas in children, adolescents and young adults
  • CWS-2007-HR: A randomized phase-III trial of the cooperative soft tissue sarcoma, study group for localized high-risk rhabdomyosarcoma and localised rhabdomyosarcoma-like soft tissue sarcoma in children, adolescents, and young adults (EudraCT-Nr: 2007-001478-10)
  • EuroNet-PHL-LP1: First international Inter-Group Study for nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin’s lymphoma in children and adolescents (EudraCT-Nr: 2007-004092-19)
  • ESID-register: Online data base for primary immunodeficiency
  • Centre for paediatric haemato-oncological care in accordance with the G-BA Agreement on Paediatric Oncology
  • Treatment of all types of cancer in the context of therapy-enhancement protocols set forth by the Paediatric Oncology and Haematology Society 
  • Interdisciplinary paediatric-oncological tumour conferences
2015 2016 2017
25 25 25 Available Beds, inpatient
905 1.005 869 Inpatient Cases
4.9 4.9 5.6 Length of stay in days
1.463 1.842 1.926 Days of treatment for partial inpatients (Day Clinic)
2015 2016 2017
88 89 85 Oncological incidences
317 346 326 New registrations COSS/CWS
4.234 4.530 4.716 Cytostatics preparations


Paediatrics 5 – Oncology, Hematology and Immunology 
Klinikum Stuttgart -
Olgahospital / Frauenklinik
Kriegsbergstrasse 62
70174 Stuttgart

Telephone +49 (0)711 278-72461
Telefax +49 (0)711 278-72462