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Centre for Paediatric Medicine / Women´s Clinic Institute for paediatric radiology

The Olgahospital Institute for Paediatric Radiology is equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technology in x-ray and MRI (3T MR tomography). It is currently the largest dedicated paediatric radiological facility in Germany. We offer a comprehensive and integrated diagnostic imaging work-up through highly specialised expertise in ultrasound/sonography including Doppler techniques, conventional and dynamic x-ray and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) all tailored to the paediatric patient.  This encompasses all organ systems including the genito-urinary tract, musculoskeletal system, the heart and blood vessels and the nervous system. 

The Institute has one of the most advanced magnetic resonance imaging devices currently available for paediatric patients, which, amongst many modern innovative studies, allows for whole-body examinations without radiation exposure.

We also offer a convenient and pleasant atmosphere to patients and their parents and families.

Medical Director

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Thekla von Kalle, Ärztliche Direktorin Radiologisches Institut (Kinderradiologie)

Ärztliche Direktorin | Zentrumsleiterin

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Thekla von Kalle

Telefon: 0711 278-73301

Telefax: 0711 278-73304


Zentrumsleiterin Zentrum für Kinder-, Jugend- und Frauenmedizin

About us

  • Specialised gentle and radiation-saving paediatric radiological examinations
  • Diagnostic imaging including ultrasound, Doppler sonographic diagnosis and magnetic resonance imaging for paediatric neurological disorders 
  • Ultrasound, X-ray and MRI diagnosis of tumours of the thorax and abdomen, soft tissues and skeletal system including ultrasound or MRI-guided, minimally invasive tumor biopsy (tissue sampling)
  • Ultrasound and MRI musculoskeletal system, including detailed imaging of the joints
  • Emergency diagnosis
  • Comprehensive diagnosis of congenital malformations and diseases
  • Fetal MRI
  • MRI diagnostics of ENT pathologies e.g. middle ear (e.g. choleastoma) and inner ear prior to implantation of hearing devices
  • Ultrasound-guided therapeutic procedures, e.g. bowel intussusception
  • Cardiac MRI in acquired paediatric and congenital heart disease in collaboration with dept. paediatric cardiology
  • Specialized skeletal radiology for specific and rare orthopaedic problems in children
  • Child-friendly facilities, with entertainment available (when possible), e.g. video films during MRI
  • Where possible (depending on indication), MRI examinations of very short duration for infants and young children examined together with their parents without the need for sedation
  • Continuous monitoring and care of children by highly qualified paediatric anaesthetists during MRI when general anaesthesia is necessary
  • Determination rotational deformities of the legs without radiation exposure (MRI)
  • Ultrasound/MRI assisted precision biopsies
  • Reference centre for diagnostic imaging of soft tissue sarcomas and osteosarcomas
  • Established experience in high-resolution MRI for epilepsy diagnosis
  • Emergency MRI (24h/) where possible instead of CT thus avoiding radiation exposure
  • High-resolution 3-D MRI studies (eg. in refractory epilepsy and a wide range of orthopaedic problems)
  • High-resolution ultrasound of joints
  • Whole-body MRI (e.g. complex diagnostic situations in oncology and rheumatology)
  • 3D-fusion techniques for the precise diagnosis and follow-up of paediatric brain tumours
  • Close collaboration with highly specialised departments of paediatric surgery, orthopaedics, ENT and oncology
  • Dynamic contrast examinations allowing accurate and detailed analysis of tumours and vascular malformations in high resolution
  • Pulmonary MRI
  • Combination of imaging examinations with further interventions (e.g. surgery, biopsy, bone marrow aspiration) under a single anaesthesia through cooperation with the dept. of paediatric anaesthesia
  • Diagnostic consultation, scientific work and reference for the Cooperative Soft Tissue Sarcoma (CWS) study
  • Diagnostic consultation, scientific work and reference for the multicentre study on diffusion imaging, the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study
  • Participation in data collection for oncological studies to optimize therapy of different diseases (e.g. cerebral tumours, lymphomas, renal tumours, neuroblastomas, hepatic tumours, each in cooperation with the paediatric haematology and oncology department
  • Specific techniques for reducing radiation exposure in children
    • Pulsed fluoroscopy
    • Highly sensitive computed radiography system (equivalent to Class 800 films)
    • Continuous training of paediatric radiological technologists (MTRAs/medical x-ray technicians)
    • Emergency diagnosis by MRI
  • Close correlation of various imaging methods, e.g. combined sonographic-MRI examinations
  • Weekly departmental teaching and training with certification for physicians and medical x-ray technicians
2015 2016 2017
29.819 30.900 30.657 X-ray diagnostics
14.084 15.421 14.826 Ultrasound
5.327 5.478 5.539 Magnetic resonance imaging MRI


Institute for paediatric radiology
Klinikum Stuttgart -
Olgahospital / Frauenklinik
Kriegsbergstrasse 62
70174 Stuttgart

Telephone +49 (0)711 278-73301
Telefax +49 (0)711 278-73409