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Interdisciplinary Medical Center Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetology and Geriatrics

Our clinic is devoted to the specialties of endocrinology, diabetology and geriatrics. It is a recognised treatment centre for patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, certified by the Deutsche Diabetes-Gesellschaft/German Diabetes Association - DDG. A particular specialty here is the treatment of diabetic foot syndrome, with certification as a foot treatment institution (inpatient and outpatient).

Equivalent interdisciplinary treatment structure (InDiZ) was established at the clinic. In addition, this clinic provides diabetological-endocrinological consultation for all facilities of Klinikum Stuttgart/Stuttgart Clinical Centre.

For care targeted to general-internistic disorders, a wide spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures is available. In addition, this clinic is assigned to the Geriatrics Centre of Stuttgart (GZS). The geriatric consultation team offers consultations to geriatric patients and coordinates transfer to domestic care. Geriatrics is becoming increasingly attractive due to the diverse array of specialties available at the Stuttgart Clinical Centre, particularly as a result of the exchange with the centres for gerontopsychiatry, the neurological clinic and the stroke unit. Furthermore, this clinic offers early geriatric rehabilitation and regular advanced training for physicians, patients and laymen.

Medical Director 

Prof. Dr. Ralf Lobmann, Ärztlicher Direktor Klinik für Endokrinologie, Diabetologie und Geriatrie

Ärztlicher Direktor

Prof. Dr. Ralf Lobmann

Telefon: 0711 278-22601

Telefax: 0711 278-22173


About us

  • Complications associated with diabetes mellitus (e.g. diabetic foot)
  • Clinical geriatrics and gerontology
  • Neuropathy laboratory for diagnostics and therapy control of diabetic polyneuropathy
  • Treatment of endocrinological disorders (among others - thyroid disorders, parathyroid disorders, tumours of the pituitary gland)
  • Vascular disorders – including secondary (endocrine) causes of hypertension
  • Endocrinological andrology, particularly in cases of diabetes-induced erectile dysfunction
  • Internistic-neurological intensive care unit (12 beds)
  • General internal medicine
  • Day clinic for diabetology and geriatrics
  • Specialised ward for patients undergoing early geriatric rehabilitative complex treatment
  • Specialised ward for diabetic foot syndrome
  • Group training sessions for diabetics (also conducted in Turkish); training for management of hypertension and fat-related metabolic disorders
  • Nutritional consultations; special buffet for diabetics
  • Endocrinological functional diagnostics
  • Outpatient clinic for special treatment of diabetic foot syndrome, diabetes in pregnancy and insulin-pump therapy
  • Case management
  • Non-invasive MRI angiography and PTA of the leg's arteries (in cooperation with the clinic for diagnostic and interventional radiology)
  • Crural and pedal bypass operations in cooperation with the vascular surgery department
  • Modern management of chronic wounds (growth factors, water scalpel)
  • Treatment of pregnant women with diabetes mellitus and adjustment of insulin pumps
  • Neuropathy laboratory (diagnostics and therapy; e.g. HiTop)
  • Prospective, randomized, controlled, multicentric double blind study for evaluation of efficiency and safety of a new wound bandage during local treatment of diabetic foot wounds (coordinating study centre of Germany)
  • Control of efficiency of InsuPad heating plaster under conditions of daily life
  • Assessment of efficacy of BioSept wound care system in comparison to standard wound care in patients with chronic skin lesions
  • Interdisciplinary therapy of adipositas (ITA) and its effects on development of weight, quality of life and gastrointestinal parameters (cooperation with Hohenheim University)
  • Study of importance of Cx 43 in the skin of diabetics (cooperation with Hamburg Eppendorf University)
  • Isolation of primary cells from different tissues and/or blood samples for development of human tissue cultures/staining of fixed tissues (cooperation with Fraunhofer Institution in Stuttgart/Würzburg)
  • AUGUST 1 registered study for ways of treatment and therapy results of patients with diabetic foot syndrome and critical ischaemia of extremities
  • AUGUST 2 study – patients with diabetic foot syndrome and critical ischaemia of extremities – a randomized clinical study
  • Accreditation by the DDG as a treatment centre
    • Grade 2 diabetes centre
    • Institution for treatment of the diabetic foot (DDG; outpatient and inpatient)
  • Since 1992, member of the working group "Clinical Diabetology” at the DDG
  • Wound management of chronic and secondary wounds
  • Documentation of all outpatiently sustained cases of pneumonia and strokes – in the context of the quality assured procedure of the GeQiK
2015 2016 2017
54 46 49 Available Beds, inpatient
2.007 1.556 1.568 Inpatient Cases
6.9 7.8 8.7 Length of stay in days (full inpatients)
2015 2016 2017
1.080 1.198 827 Geriatric Consultations
15.3 22.2 32.6 Patients with diabetic foot Syndrome (% of full inpatients)
742 550 456 Participants in group training programs for diabetics
n/a n/a 1.319 Individual trainings for diabetics


Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetology and Geriatrics
Klinikum Stuttgart – Bad Cannstatt Hospital
Prießnitzweg 24
70374 Stuttgart

Telephone +49 (0)711 278-22601
Telefax +49 (0)711 278-22173