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Neurocentre Clinic for Neuroradiology

As a clinic for diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology, we are strongly committed to diagnostic procedures in diseases of the brain, spinal cord and spine. Even in MRI examination and CT examination of ear, eye, mandibular joint and neck we have got special expertise. Another emphasis is on catheter diagnostics and therapy of the vascular system of the brain, skull, spinal cord, spine and cervical vessels. Using these facilities, we are able to detect both congenital and acquired diseases of arteries and veins – and most of the time, we are able to cure them by targeted closing of diseased vessel sections, widening of vessel stenoses or opening of closed vessels.

In case of chronic pain of the spine, we help our patients by infiltration on the nerve roots and vertebral joints. We provide an effective alternative to relieve complaints of osteoporosis caused vertebra fractures by injection of cement (vertebroplasty), if medication is not satisfactory. All services are offered at Klinikum Stuttgart/Stuttgart Clinical Centre day and night (24/7 service).

Medical Director

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Henkes, Ärztlicher Direktor Neuroradiologische Klinik

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Henkes

Ärztlicher Direktor der Neuroradiologischen Klinik

zur Klinik

About us

  • MRI and CT examination of brain, spinal cord, spine and neck
  • MRI and CT examination of base of skull and facial skull
  • MRI and CT angiography and perfusion measurement
  • 3-D post-processing of CT and MRI data material
  • Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
  • MR spectroscopy
  • Conventional myelography, MRI and CT myelographies
  • Facet blocks, periradicular infiltration, vertebroplasties
  • CT monitored diagnostic biopsies of head and spine
  • Cerebral and spinal diagnostic angiographies
  • Endovascular treatment of aneurysms
  • Endovascular closure of cranial and spinal dural AV fistulae
  • Catheter therapy of cerebral and spinal arteriovenous malformations
  • Endovascular treatment of stenoses of carotid arteries and cranial arteries
  • Opening of vessels during the acute phase of stroke
  • Neurointerventional emergency service on 365 days/year -  24-hour service for catheter treatment under general anaesthesia
  • MRI emergency examination – if necessary, at any time even at night and on weekends
  • MRI examination under general anaesthesia for patients depending on artificial respiration
  • Catheter treatment at three bi-plane flat detector angiography devices with ability of 3 D rotation angiography and flat detector computed tomography
  • Supraregional advisory function in case of complex neurovascular questions
  • Regular interdisciplinary case conferences together with the clinic for neurology, neurosurgery, ENT medicine and mandibular surgery to develop individually adjusted therapy concepts for our patients 
  • Connection to the telemedical network of Baden-Württemberg to grant quick dispatch of patient’s imaging data material
  • Treatment of vascular malformations of neonates and infants
  • Acute treatment in case of stroke by mechanic thrombectomy with embolic closure of cerebral arteries
  • Endovascular therapy of complex aneurysms with stents and flow-efficient implants
  • Treatment of stenosed extracranial and intracranial arteries with medicine releasing balloons or stents to minimise recurrent stenosis rate
  • Use of bioactive coils for treatment of aneurysms to improve long-term results
  • Therapy of superficial vascular malformations by direct puncture and injection of sclerosing medicine
  • SPACE2
  • ARTESp
  • Aspire
  • Neurointerventions of the German Association for Neuroradiology in cooperation with DEGIR by BQS institute
  • GeQIK – quality assurance regarding stroke treatment in Baden-Württemberg
  • AQUA – quality assurance regarding carotid revascularisations
  • Working group of brain tumours of the Oncological Focus Stuttgart (OSP)
2015 2016 2017
5 7 7 Available Beds
1.835 1.642 1.446 Inpatient Cases
2.6 2.5 2.5 Length of stay in days
* Facilities Katharinenhospital and Krankenhaus Bad Cannstatt
2015 2016 2017
1.304 1.228 1.215 Interventions vascular *
2.407 2.388 2.305 Diagnostic angiography *
11.498 12.856 13.150 MRI *
15.766 14.220 15.907 CTs *


Clinic for Neuroradiology
Klinikum Stuttgart – Katharinenhospital
Kriegsbergstrasse 60
70174 Stuttgart

Telephone +49 (0)711 278-34501
Telefax +49 (0)711 278-34509