CWS Team

  • Dr. M. Sparber-Sauer, Chair, coordinator localized disease
  • PD Dr. M. Ebinger, Co-chair, coordinator relapsed, refractory and metastatic disease
  • PD Dr. W. Breunis, EpSSG Member
  • Prof. Dr. B. Kazanowska, Wrozlaw, Chair CWS Poland
  • Prof. Dr. H. Juntti, Oulu, Chair CWS Finland
  • Prof. Dr. G. Ljungman, Chair CWS Sweden
  • PD. Dr. I. Teichert von Lüttichau, Sarcoma expert
  • Prof. Dr. J. Rößler, Chair CWS Switzerland
  • Prof. Dr. C. Mauz-Körholz, Fertility, PET
  • Prof. Dr. M. Schwab, Pharmacology, clinical trials
  • Prof. Dr. H. Brenner/ T. Möllers, Clinical Epidemiology
  • Prof. Dr. T. Langer, Late effects, LESS
  • Prof. Dr. U. Kontny, Sarcoma expert, GPOH
  • M. Wünsch, Patient advocates
  • Dr. Amadeus Heinz, Young investigator
  • Dr. M. Sparber-Sauer, Chair, coordinator
  • Prof. Dr. M. Benesch, NRSTS, Austria
  • PD Dr. I. Brecht, Rare tumors, STEP, EXPeRT; co-coordinator
  • Prof. Dr. M. Frühwald, Rhabdoid tumors, EU-RHAB registry
  • PD Dr. R. Furtwängler, SIOP renal tumor study group
  • PD Dr. K. von Hoff, Cerebral sarcoma
  • Prof. Dr. L. Kager, NRSTS, COSS
  • Prof. Dr. M. Nathrath, COSS
  • Prof. Dr. Rößler, Vascular tumors, representant of Switzerland
  • Prof. Dr. M. Schwab, Pharmacology, clinical trials
  • Prof. Dr. D. Schneider, Rare tumors, STEP
  • Dr. von Zezwitsch,Cerebral sarcoma, InterEST registry
  • Prof. Dr. S. Bielack, Osteosarcoma study group COSS
  • Dr. S. Hecker-Nolting, Osteosarcoma study group COSS, coordinator
  • Prof. Dr. U. Dirksen, Ewing  sarcoma study group
  • Prof. Dr. S. Fröhling, Adult sarcoma group;  translational research
  • Prof. Dr. B. Kasper, Desmoid working group, Adult sarcoma group
  • Prof. Dr. L. Kager, COSS, Austria
  • PD Dr. C. Reichardt, Adult sarcoma group
  • Prof. Dr. U. Dirksen, Ewing sarcoma study group
  • Prof. Dr. S. Bauer, Adult sarcoma group
  • Prof. Dr. C. Rössig, Sarcoma group
  • Prof. Dr. J. Fuchs, Reference surgeon, coordinator
  • Prof. G. Seitz, Reference surgeon, international research/trials
  • Prof. Dr. A. Daigeler, Reference surgeon, plastic surgery
  • Prof. Dr. J. Godzinski, Reference surgeon, Poland
  • Prof. Dr. R. Hagen, Reference surgeon, ENT
  • Prof. Dr. S. Loff, Reference surgeon
  • Prof. M. Metzelder, Reference surgeon, Austria
  • PD Dr. Stenman, Reference surgeon, Sweden
  • PD Dr. P.-U. Tunn, Reference surgeon, limb perfusion
  • Prof. Dr. M. Schuhmann, Reference surgeon, neurosurgery
  • Prof. Dr. G. Friedel, Reference surgeon, thorax surgery
  • Prof. Dr. Hintschich, Reference surgeon, eye surgery
  • Dr. J. Gesche, Young investigator
  • Dr. A. Schmidt, Young investigator
  • Prof. Dr. B. Timmermann, Reference radiotherapist, coordinator
  • Prof. Dr. M. Münter, Reference radiotherapist, radiation oncologist
  • Dr. F. Paulsen, Radiotherapist on brachytherapy
  • Dr. S. Harrabi, Reference radiotherapist
  • PD Dr. R. Wessalowski, Reference for hyperthermia
  • Dr. Z. Taheri, Reference radiotherapist, Sweden
  • Prof. Dr. Schäfer, Coordinator; international research
  • PD Dr. T. von Kalle, Reference radiologist
  • Prof. Dr. C. Franzius, Reference radiologist -nuclearmedicine
  • Dr. Müller-Abt, Reference radiologist
  • Anna-Anais von Witzleben, Young investigator
  • Dr. Clemens Wurz, Young investigator
  • Prof. Dr. Vokuhl, Coordinator; Reference pathologist
  • Prof. Dr. Mentzel, Reference pathologist
  • Prof. Dr. A. Agaimy, Pathologist for adolescent/young adult sarcoma
  • Dr. Magnus Hansson, Reference pathologist, Sweden
  • PD Dr. K. Pajtler, Coordinator translational research
  • Prof. Dr. S. Pfister, INFORM registry
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. T. Grünewald, Coordinator molecular diagnostics/ risk stratification
  • PD Dr. S. Hettmer, Sarcoma expert
  • Dr. M. Meister, Young investigator; EpSSG member
  • Prof. Dr. B. Schäfer, Reference molecular biology, Switzerland; EpSSG member
  • Prof. Dr. G. Seitz, Reference surgeon
  • Dr. C. Seitz, Young investigator
  • Dr. rer. nat. S. Stegmaier, Reference molecular biologist
  • Prof. O.Witt, INFORM 2, preclinical studies; Coordinator
  • PD Dr. C. van Tilburg, INFORM 2, preclinical studies
  • Prof. Dr. P. Lang, Coordinator immunology group
  • PD Dr. E. Rettinger, Coordinator research
  • Dr. C. Seitz, Young investigator
  • Prof. Dr. C. Kratz, Coordinator; Genetic predisposition
  • PD Dr. I. Brecht, Rare tumor group, STEP, EXPeRT
  • PD Dr. T. Grünewald, Molecular diagnostics
  • PD Dr. S. Hettmer, Sarcoma expert
  • Assoc. Prof. Kaan Boztug, Sarcoma expert
  • PD Dr. K. Pajtler,Translational research
  • Prof. Dr. S. Pfister, INFORM registry
  • Prof. Dr. J. Schumacher, Human Genetics
  • Prof. Dr. D. Schneider, Rare tumors, STEP, EXPeRT